Monday, 2 March 2020


Node.js - is an open source, cross- plateform javascript run time environment.
Npm - is a node.js package manager for javascript programming language. it is automatically installed with node.js
Typescript - is a superset of JavaScript. need to install using command - npm install -g typescript
Angular CLI (command line interface) - is a tool that allow us to create to project, build and run it on development server directly using command line.

npm install -g @angular/cli
node -v
npm -v
ng -v

Angular CLI can be used for:
1. Configurations, Environment Setup
2. Building components, services, routing system
3. Starting, testing and deploying the project
4. Installing 3rd party libraries like Bootstrap, Sass etc. (with Webpack) and much more.
5. Angular CLI saves developers time and effort significantly. You can check its official website below:

cd c:/
mkdir ngapp
cd ngapp
ng new myfirstapp
?would you like to add Angular routing? yes
?Which stylesheet format would you like to use? CSS

cd myfirstapp
myfirstapp serve
=> open browser => localhost:4200

Angular project file structure:
e2e - for end to end integration testing
node_modules - third party modules reference folder comes inside it. like bootstrap.
src - its a main folder. application boot from here.

main.ts - its an entry point for an application. bootstrapmodule exists inside it. application starts from here.
polyfills.ts - to add un-support component in browser

src\app\ - contains all components and modules

src\app\app.module.ts -

src\environments - defines the environment. i.e. development, production etc. it can be manage from main.ts

src\assets - external images, css files.

.editorconfig - defines rule in team environment for all developers.
.gitignore - mention file name which you want to ignore from git repository.
angular.json - configures the application.
browserslist - browsers list
karma.conf.js - for testing purpose
package.json -
package-lock.json - -
tsconfig.json -
tsconfig.spec.json -
tslint.json - defines standard coding rules for project.

Booting Process:


1 comment:

Jenkins Startup and Configuration

Steps to setup jenkins on ubuntu:- -After installation. check the jenkins services running on not on the server. sudo service jenk...